STANDARD SUBMISSIONS. For products and designs present on the Internet.
It's free and no registration, no personal data are required. Just fill in the product name and the manufacturer in the request form and we will manage the rest for you:
*Optional. There is a section where you may formulate a question that we will add to the standard test so that you can open and guide the debate.
SPECIAL SUBMISSIONS. For products and designs in the development or testing phase.
You must be the manufacturer, designer or hold the patent. It's free and no registration are required.
- Do you want to test a product before you launch it on the market? Do you want to know what engineers, designers and potential customers think, and receive tips to help you to improve the product or its design?
- Are you the designer and would like to receive suggestions from users, manufacturers, engineers or other designers?
- Do you hold a patent or idea and seek help from designers, manufacturers or users and/or obtain technical, industrial or financial support to make your product a reality?
Please fill in the request form with the product name and a short product description (between 400 and 750 characters). You will also be required to give an e-mail contact in order to confirm your request and your agreement to publication of the survey on your product.
*(Private data) The address and names will be kept confidential, will not be compiled, published or given to third parties and will automatically be deleted from our systems as soon as we approve publication of the survey.
*Optional. The form includes a section where you may formulate a question that we will add to the standard test and a second (or the same) for the comments heading so that you can open and guide the debate.
IMAGESTo publish the survey we will need you to send us up to four images of your product or design in Jpg, Gif, Tif or PDF format with a minimum resolution of 540 x 400 pixels each, and 1000 x 1000 px. maximum. Choose those that best illustrate the product. Please, type in the message subject line the same product name that you used in the submission form so that we can identify it.
**Please write data and attach the images to your email directly. For our security, messages containing archives grouped, encrypted or with different extensions other than *.Jpg / *.Tif / *.Gif / *.Pdf will be rejected.
+PERSONALISED SURVEYS (OPTIONAL).This service has a handling and administration charge.
In addition to the generic survey, if you need a more in-depth study of the response to the product, or certain demographic* data of those who answered, you can add a second test (maximum 20 items) and can decide whether the results are open to the public or are open only to you. In this case we will clearly identify and differentiate both sections (open score from private score) so that visitors are aware and have the freedom to decide whether to participate in it or not.
* The only demographic data Suited! PD Personalised Surveys may furnish is limited to age, occupation, country of residence, etc. and NEVER personal information such as names, email, physical addresses, etc.
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