The AquaSpot tap is an extra heating element connected to a standard built-in boiler (6 ltr. 100ºC - 12 ltr. 60 °C) to produce boiling water instantly (2-10 seconds). The faucet can be rotated 360º and is height adjustable for the different use of filling a cup or filling a pasta pot. It features a unique ergonomic touch-button interface with a red circular LED indicator as visual feedback. The patented built-in security feature IntelliProtect gives the user a choice of three different adjustable levels to protect adults from unintended use and children from burnings.
Manufacturer: Inventum, Netherlands
Design: Mathis Heller / WeLL Design
Materials: Stainless steel.
Dimensions: 210x 300x 520 mm.
More: www.inventum.com/aquaspot

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designed by Mathis Heller @ WeLL Design
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